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Experience Lab is a program for recent college graduates that combines real work experience at startups with higher education.

Social Media Manager

At Experience Lab, I captured special moments, photo edited, designed posts on Canva, and published to our social media accounts. My posts promoted webinars, shared career tips, and encouraged referrals. One of my favorite campaigns was introducing the new student cohort by writing individual profiles that captured their passions and personalities. I created a handy content calendar to stay on track. 

Marketing Strategist

I worked with the marketing team on building ad campaigns across different platforms such as LinkedIn Ads, AdRoll, and ActiveCampaign. I led the weekly meetings reviewing our Google Analytics, and implemented plans to increase student enrollment. I also wrote email campaigns and job board posts on websites like Handshake and Symplicity which are popular among recent college grads. Using these strategies, we were able to increase brand awareness and direct website traffic towards program application. As a result, enrollments increased by 266% for the fall semester! 

Writing samples available upon request.

Website Design
& Optimization

I migrated the website onto our own Wordpress platform. I streamlined website functions and SEO optimization. 

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